John Hauser

17a John H port sq.jpg

John's uniquely fun, invigorating and spiritually uplifting class style is a reflection of his own humor, athleticism and love of nature. Prepare to be challenged, entertained and coaxed to your edge, physically, mentally and spiritually. The class unfolds at many levels so that everyone from novices to the experienced Yogi will find something of value.

As John says, "Sometimes it is what we leave on our mat that matters most, and sometimes it is what we take from it.... Yoga is all about one's personal connection to Divine Energy. Yoga gets one there by sublimating the body to the mind and the mind to the Spirit. I stress finding one's "edge" - by gently using breath and surrendering will we move deeper than we thought possible; we find boundaries and limitations are all self-imposed; that duality is an invention of our egoic minds and that bliss is possible here and now. I am a facilitator - I make suggestions and lead by example most of the class time. Each participant finds their own edge, their own freeing expression of postures, and their own momentary liberation from the ego-based physical world."

John was led by chronic back pain from crushed discs -- the result of a life of soccer, hockey, martial arts, backpacking and canoe tripping -- to try Yoga. He was immediately drawn by the body / mind / spirit connection he experienced. John took dozens of Yoga classes over the next four months, gaining inspiration and experience from many teachers and styles, especially Michelle Hall, Jen Brosious, Kitty Moore and Melissa Hall.


  • Teacher training, Sacred Rivers Yoga (Paula Scopino)
  • Highlights of John's education include a mass audience with His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama and the Yin Yoga / Yoga Anatomy seminar with Paul and Suzie Grille.